Iphone 5 |
Now here’s a rogue report that lies on the half-full / half-empty part of the glass considering this one isn’t yet confirmed and just a rumor-mill weaving itself with lots of possibilities.
According to a jap-based website, the next iPod Touch device a.k.a iPod Touch 5G would be utilizing a new 3D type of display which doesn’t require any 3D-glasses from the user and this would be in full stereoscope, just like its previous model, making this 5th generation iPod Touch worthy to compete on the gaming market.
It appears an insider from a company that supplies display-parts for Apple is the source of this leak, and it was later stated that it would be for the 3D displays for iPod Touch 5G. Interestingy, it was claimed that these new 3D LCD Panels has a similar resemblance with the latest Sharp 3D TV technology. In addition to that, it was also rumored the iPod Touch 5G would use a new camera-based face recognition w/ head position tracking system for a more adaptive way of 3D experience towards its users.
Check out the video.